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Ilgenfritz Mechatronics GmbH

Alte Schulstraße 12
97234 Fuchsstadt

Phone: +49 (0) 9333 90413 00
Fax: +49 (0) 9333 90413 290

Internet: www.ilgenfritz.biz
E-mail: info@ilgenfritz.biz

Ilgenfritz Mechatronics GmbH,
location of registered office: Reichenberg, court of registration: Würzburg HRA 14852
Tax No: 257/129/110045
VAT ID: DE327442110

Managing Director: Michael Ilgenfritz

Liability note

Despite careful checking of content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. Exclusively the operators of the sites linked to are responsible for the content of these sites.
Our website is geared exclusively toward customers and prospective customers from Germany and German-speaking countries, all EU countries and candidates for EU membership.

Out-of-court dispute resolution

Information on online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 (1) ODR Regulation:

Reference is made to the online platform https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning obligations arising from online sales contracts and online service contracts between consumers and entrepreneurs resident in the Union. The email address of the Ilgenfritz Mechatronics GmbH is: info@ilgenfritz.biz.

Information on consumer dispute resolution in accordance with § 36 VSBG:

The Ilgenfritz Mechatronics GmbH is not prepared to participate in dispute resolution proceedings for the settlement of disputes with consumers before a consumer arbitration board and is not obliged to do so.


Trust and responsibility

The trust of our customers, business partners and employees is our most valuable asset. Honesty, integrity and conduct in accordance with the relevant laws are prerequisites for this. To this end, we are guided by business and ethical standards, applicable law and guidelines. We have to prove this every day. In preventing and combating harmful misconduct in the workplace, we rely on the help of every individual. This is the only way to uncover compliance violations at an early stage, identify perpetrators, prevent further damage and safeguard jobs.

We want to protect you effectively as a whistleblower and offer you with the help of our external data protection officer - Confidential - Tel.: +49 9381 / 71 77 8 - 59 or
e-mail: ilgen.datenschutz@eikona.de
or postal address: Eikona AG, Am Alten Bahnhof 8, D-97332 Volkach www.eikona-logistics.de/
a secure communication for submitting anonymous reports.

You remain completely anonymous - if you do not wish it otherwise! Further information on this (Which reports can I submit and how? How does the report work? How can I remain anonymous? etc.) can be found in the information provided by our data protection officer at www.eikona-logistics.de/